対局 | game |
大局観 | broad viewing sense |
ダイヤモンド美濃 | Diamond Mino |
高美濃 | High Mino (castle) |
叩く | strike |
垂れ歩 | dangling pawn |
段 | dan |
段 | rank |
ダンスの歩 | dancing pawn |
中盤 | middlegame |
チョンマゲ美濃 | Topknot Mino |
突き歩詰め | pawn push mate |
継ぎ歩 | joining pawn |
ツノ銀中飛車 | Silver-horned Central Rook |
詰(み) | checkmate |
詰将棋 | tsume problem, mate problem |
詰めろ | threatmate |
詰めろ逃れの詰めろ | threatmate-removing threatmate |
手 | move |
手筋 | tactic, tesuji |
手損 | turn loss |
手得 | turn gain |
田楽刺し | skewer |
天守閣美濃 | Tower Mino |
と, と金 | promoted pawn, tokin |
投了 | resignation |
取る | to capture, to take |
トン死 | sudden death |